Calgary, AB Canada
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Michael Jorgensen, Enlightened Design

Soulful Anecdotes
Explore the stories that resonate in Jorgensen's Soul, calling him to service.
Making possible, the impossible

One of my key characteristics is: I pursue the impossible, and make it possible. When I was a child, it was the impulse behind becoming a gymnast - I wanted to transform my body into a lean, flexible machine that could defy gravity, by leaping into the air, spinning 360 degrees, and landing on my feet.
And whenever a goal seems impossible, my powerful will and laser focus and belief that the impossible is within reach, directs me and guides me to make it happen.
Becoming a gymnast, and doing a standing back flip, was only one of my impossible accomplishments. Here are some remarkable and seemingly impossible opportunities that I manifested and successfully accomplished:
Jorgensen doing a handstand while on vacation in Mexico
Impossible achievements:
At 23 years of age, I was offered and accepted the position of Director/Curator for a non-profit art gallery, while a full time undergraduate student in a fine arts program.
With no prior experience, I was hired as an instructor in one of Canada's most highly respected marketing communications programs. I taught advertising and website design for direct-response marketing, although I had no formal education or qualifications in the subject, and developed the course lecture materials, assignments, examinations, readings, and gave individual guidance and constructive feedback to up to 120 students each term.
Without the academic qualification of a Master's degree, I was hired as an Associate Professor of New Media at the University of Lethbridge, and taught three courses in a discipline that did not exist when I was a student of fine art (New Media, which is computer-based art).
I was hired as a massage therapist, at three highly respected holistic health centres in Vancouver, without having ever studied massage therapy.
I was employed by the University of Calgary Department of Education, to redesign, rebrand and market the graduate divisions of Educational Research and Applied Psychology, without having a formal education or degree in graphic design or marketing.
I won the top visual arts awards at all the universities I attended, although I had not studied art prior to my first year.
I wanted to understand why my relationships had not worked out, so while in a state of meditation, I wrote a series of articles on the spiritual meaning and purpose of relationships, throughout the year 2000..
With little, to no instruction, I have learned some esoteric practices, that are used in healing, through meditation, including guided meditation, past-life regression, chakra balancing, breath work, Tantra, and energy work, by listening to my intuitive guidance.
Current goals (that are not impossible):
To work for an enlightened company, whose goal is help humanity reach its highest potential through education, marketing, teaching and advertising.
I desire to write several more books on topics that include: Awakening to Wholeness, New Earth Relationships, Developing your Multi-Dimension Self, Becoming a Conscious Co-Creators with the Universe, Learn to Sing with your Chakras, Discovering the Power of the Present by Acting from Source and Surrendering your Defense Mechanisms.
To be a part of the creation of and life on the New Earth. To live in loving cooperation with the Universe.
just a big word thrown around by small men,
who find it easier to live with what they've been given,
than to explore the power they've got to change it.
Impossible is not a fact: it's an opinion.
Impossible is not a declaration: it's a dare.
Impossible is potential...
Impossible is temporary...
Impossible is nothing.
Impossible is
Bradley and I had nearly given up hope. Our hands and feet had been covered with painful, ugly, and bleeding warts, for over four months. We had tried everything to get rid of them - doctors used CO2 to freeze them off, bottles of Compound W were applied, and the wart infestation was worse than ever. We began to wonder if they would stay with us for the rest of our lives. Which was a long time since we were only 8.
Bradley's mother overheard us complaining. "Boys, you know, you could get rid of them tomorrow if you really wanted to."
"How?" we asked, frustrated, in pain, and crying.
"Just wish them away," she said. Bradley rolled his eyes.
"What do you mean by wishing them away?" I asked, curious.
She studied me with serious contemplation. Bradley's Mom knew I was a minister's son, so she tried a different approach. "Okay, wishing them away is the wrong way to put it... Ask God to take away your warts. Before you go to bed tonight, say a prayer from your heart, asking God to heal your hands and feet of every wart, so that when you wake up in the morning, it will look like they never existed."
"That's it?" I asked. I was amazed at how simple it sounded.
"Yes, that's it. Just be very sincere, and have total faith and confidence that God will answer your prayer." she said. "To increase your motivation, I will give you each $10 if you show me your hands, tomorrow morning, and there is no trace of warts or scars.
I contemplated her solution carefully. I knew that God could heal, there was no doubt in my mind about that. And I believed that God loved me, and would answer my request. "Ask and ye shall receive," was a quote from the bible I had heard. I also knew that Bradley's mother would not lie to me. Although it was clear that Bradley was not convinced.
But, I was convinced. The more I thought about it, the more certain I was, that God would heal my hands. I became elated, told everyone that God was going to relieve my hands and feet of warts, so that I no longer had to suffer. Joyfully, I celebrated all day, and before I went to bed, I asked in solitude, with my hands folded in prayer, with the power of absolute faith, and the innocence and purity of a child, for God to heal me. I thanked Him, with a grateful heart. Amen. Knowing that when I looked at my hands and feet in the morning, there would be no sign of warts or scars. I fell asleep, soundly and effortlessly.
In the morning, my Dad woke me for breakfast. Me and my sisters always had cereal with him, because my Mom got up last. I started playing with my sister, lost in the present, when my Mom walked past, struggling to wake up.
"So... did it work?" she asked me.
"What?" I asked, puzzled.
"You don't remember?! You went on about it incessantly all day," she said with a laugh, and sincere amazement.
"Oh my warts!" I yelled. I had forgotten to look. I looked at my little hands and feet, and then glowed with pure joy. There wasn't a single wart or scar in sight. It looked as if they had never existed.
I raised my hands up toward my Mom, and said, "Look!"
My mother grabbed them, trembling, and was overjoyed.
"Go and show Bradley's mother! She will be so glad for you."
I ran over to Bradley's house, calling for his Mom, and when I found her, she embraced me with her loving arms and a big smile. Tears swelled in her eyes.
"Can I have the $10?" I asked. She laughed loudly, and said, "Yes, of course."
Bradley wasn't successful that morning, but he managed to wish them away by the end of the week.
* * * * *
Many years later, my Mother reminded me of this story. I hadn't thought of it since it happened. It all came back to me, in every detail.
She said to me, "Bradley's mother was dying of cancer at that time. Her medical treatments had failed, and she was feeling lost, and looking into alternate healing approaches. She died at the end of that summer."
I was stunned. I hadn't known that.
In my mind I took a moment, reaching across time and space to Bradley's Mom, thanking her for her part in my healing, and I whispered in her ear, "I hope that my healing gave you some too... if not physically, then in your heart."

My secret wish is to help others to heal.

How Jorgensen came to believe
that work should be fun and soulful

Rev. Philip
If one's upbringing is a spring-board for developing the qualities needed to accomplish one's life purpose, then Michael's parents' careers (his father Philip was a Lutheran mininster, his mother the organist and church secretary) and teachings prepared him, through their cooperative and fun approach to work, their love of education and writing, and their devotion to the spiritual well being of others.
While Michael shared many of his father's passions, he also challenged many - including his family's religious traditions, by choosing an inner guided direction rather than a dogmatic one. But the spiritual approach to life he gained was full of love.
Born into the Jorgensen family, Michael was taught that developing one's talents is key to fulfilling one's life purpose. And he experienced, by working with his family, an ideal working environment. One that strongly appeals to Michael, and he wishes to find in his next appointment.
When Michael was in high school, his father, the Rev. Philip Jorgensen, took a break from being minister of a church, and worked for the Lutheran Church head office, where he was the Director of Congregational Life. His father was responsible for writing, publishing, printing and distributing all the educational materials sent or made available to the Lutheran churches in Canada.
In a minister's family, the children are automatically involved in the family's mission. Michael, two of his three sisters, and his Mother spent many late nights at the Head Office, helping Philip put together mailing packages to send to churches, or collating and binding booklets for distribution, even peeling cthousands of stickers and placing them on envelopes.
It was during these after-work meetings, that Michael developed the expectation that work ought to be fun, based upon cooperation, having a common purpose, and... that co-workers are like a family, who enjoy each other's company. In other words, much like how he would like his next workplace to operate.
The love for education and writing was inspired by both parents. Rev. Jorgensen has written and published three books. His most recent, published July 2014, is "Selections from the Writings of Soren Kierkegaard." Michael saw his father work, passionately, often into the night, writing books or Sunday sermons. And each Sunday in church Michael would listen to his sermons, and think of ways to improve it's message, delivery and structure, not realizing at the time that it might prove useful later in his life.
Foreshadowing his interest in graphic design and writing, Michael would write, design, and type his short stories, for English classes, making them into books, like his father. Later, in 2000, Jorgensen wrote the basis of his first book, "Soulmate Wanted: Apply Within."
Ministering to others through teaching and facilitating the healing process, and helping others to connect with their soul, by accessing the creative process, is Jorgensen's life purpose. Whether this happens through:
being part of a team to design, develop and market the world's best self-development education courses,
or one day, through writing and teaching his own work,
it will be right on course for fulfilling his soul's agenda.
Jorgensen's University
of Reawakening Wholeness

Jorgensen at the University of Lethbridge painting studios.
Insights into my relationship with education, learning,
self-healing and feeling 'at home' with education.
I designed my own educational platform for
personal growth, self-care and healing.
I made the top fine arts programs, in Canada, a place to explore and understand myself in relation to the world. Using the creative process, along with the tools of painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, photography, video, performance art, digital design, new media, social theory and writing, I explored who I was, and who I wanted to be, and what kind of world I wanted to live in.
Becoming conscious of my fears, understanding their impact, and releasing them to the healing power of love, my art practice is a document of this process. Healing, accepting, and loving who I am, ends harmful patterns that cause suffering, not only to myself, but also to consecutive generations. It also increases my compassion and caring, for my brothers and sisters walking with me, on mother earth.
I discovered the ability of media to communicate, mirror, transform and influence others. My liberal arts education taught me a methodology for deconstructing any medium and discovering its power to communicate complex messages on subconscious and conscious levels. I can take any concept or idea, analyze it objectively and subjectively, from multiple viewpoints, and several academic perspectives, and have creative and profound insights on its function, meaning and purpose, and how to use it to communicate on many levels of information receivers.
I read the connections between seemingly unrelated phenomena, like other people read traffic signs. I have a strongly curious mind, that digs, researches, and moves mountains until I understand an idea on every level, from the superficlal to the esoteric.
When I understand a subject or idea at this level of expertise, I can be creative with it, find new ways of expressing and communicating it. With the many elements and tools I have available to me. I always find creative solutions, even when others have given up.
Education has made me into a true individual, capable of thinking and solving things for myself, and then able to communicate my solutions, and help, to others.
I was the teacher's pet, the star pupil, the A-Type personality over-achiever, the honour list graduate with a 4.9/5 GPA, who could beat every guy in junior high at arm-wrestling, but barely had a single friend from grade 4 onward. Why? My spirit challenged prevailing social norms of what a male should be. I was a joyful, gentle, loving boy, full of enthusiasm and laughter, that came from the joy of life. Thus the library was my best friend, and somewhere I could hide from harassment. I found the support and stimulation I needed from non-fiction, self-help, psychology, sociology and new age books.
When I needed to know...
What love is, how to forgive, how to heal, how to be compassionate, how to touch the invisible, how to experience the impossible,
that I belong, that I have the right, when I am wrong, and that
I am loved just as I am...
I found the answers I needed most, from books and education.
That is why I know that education empowers individuals, and why I wholeheartedly commit myself to teaching and transformational education. It builds communities and transform lives.

'one song'