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Michael Jorgensen, Enlightened Design

Soulmate Wanted? Apply Within.
Once upon a time, up until the energy began to shift,
people believed in soulmates.
If you think they are a 'quaint fairy tale,'
from a passed romantic era,
I have some good news for you...
What if I told you that fairy tales are essentially true? They reveal themselves as true, when the time is right. And the time is right - right now! - for soulmates to reconnect. But you must be prepared.
Are you ready for it?
By examining the structures and dynamics of Old Earth relationships, you can heal yourself, so that you begin to awaken to your Soul's wholeness. When you connect with your own Soul, the experience is so unexpectedly beautiful and fulfilling, you feel as though you have found your Soulmate. It was your own Soul you've been longing to connect with all along!
You will never feel alone, or lonely again. Your life will become infused with great joy, and a higher purpose, that makes you feel as though you are fulfilling your deepest desire. You know it is why you were created, in the beginning.
Just when you've forgotten about the idea of meeting a Soulmate that exists outside of you - because the connection with your Soul is so perfectly fulfilling - another Soulmate appears. Your divine complement. The one you heard about in fairy tales.
The hidden purpose of relationships in the old energy was to rediscover our wholeness, by failing to find it through another.
The attempt to find wholeness through another person is destined to fail. When it does, we are forced to look within to develop the qualities and characteristics we believe we needed from someone else.
In the process we rediscover our independence and wholeness.
In the new energy of earth, new paradigms for relationships emerge, based upon harmony and cooperation. This is because wholeness is found within, by partnering with one's Soul, and not sought through the other. Instead, the purpose of the relationship is to fulfill one another's life purposes, which are either identical or very alike.
By coming together, the relationship becomes a source of true love, for those involved, and those who come into contact with it. It leaves behind a lasting legacy of value to the world. It demonstrates the power of love.
Click here to read a sample chapter of the book:
"Since I was a child, a part of me seems to remember living in another dimension of unlimited joy and love. in union with God.
I am shocked when people say they are not interested in heaven, because: Boredom would set in, and really, who wants to live forever? they say.
You are not getting the idea of unlimited joy and love, wholeness, or of union with God." said Jorgensen. "I want people to imagine it with wonder, allowing it to grow into a burning desire , that takes over their existence and their dreams, thereby co-creating such a heavenly place into existence, and embodying it."
Eager to rewrite the series into a book, using the Old and New Earth divisions, Jorgensen describes relationships in the old energy, how to heal from them, and inspires with a new vision of what they will be. As we integrate with our Soul, aware of our wholeness, Jorgensen believes that relationships will be based on cooperation, a shared purpose, and be co-creative in nature. He would like to create a guidebook for awakened Souls, describing some of the new gifts, and how to develop them, that come with the Integration of our Soul with our conscious human selves.

First published as a commissioned series of monthly articles throughout the year 2000 by Planetlightworker.com. Michael Jorgensen wrote the series while in meditation, listening to the inner guidance of his Soul, as it was dictated to him, sometimes in words, more often with feelings.

"Creative energy is your connection to the Divine."
- Shea Hampton
Books in Development
by Michael Jorgensen
Singing with the Chakras.
You are an instrument. Allow the song to play through you.
If you would love to express yourself with your voice through singing, but have found traditional vocal techniques unhelpful, then Singing with the Chakras, a 12 week course, may be your answer. It is a wholistic method that teaches you to sing in alignment with your energy system - the very source of your emotions - the chakras.
Get out of your mind, and into your body. Breath and sound work exercises reawaken your physical sensitivity to subtle vibrations which emanate from and resonate through your body's 7 chakra centers. Each chakra resonates to a different musical note, and is the source of emotional energy, such as love, desire, loneliness, and joy. Once your sensitivity to these energy centres is awakened, they can assist you to sing in perfect tune, even without hearing your voice. When you sing through a chakra, it's raw power reaches through time and space, and impacts those listening with pure emotional energy.
The process releases inexpressed negative emotions, fears and anxieties, trapped in the unconscious of your body. It heals your body, mind and spirit. In time, you reclaim your body as a finely tuned, sensitive and expressive instrument, through which the Universe itself, sings. When that happens, the inhalation and exhalation of breath become indistinguishable, inseparable, and continuous.
You are the uni-verse.
Love is a Power.
Inordinant. Invincible. Infinite. How to apply the most powerful force in the universe to transform your life, the planet, and the universe, itself.
We've all heard the phrase, "the power of love," in pop songs. And the bible even says it is the most powerful force in the universe and in the end, will defeat evil. But how is love a power? How does it compare to other kinds of power? Examine the kinds of power the exist in the world, compare it to the power love, and examine its impact in your life. Love is a Power helps you uncover false beliefs you may hold about love, so that you can unleash its transformative potential in your own life, and the world around you.
Triggers are words and behaviours from others, and thoughts from within ourselves, that cause intense negative emotional reactions and feelings within ourselves. They can be triggered by anyone - from anonymous strangers to the people we love the most.
They flare up strongly during certain intervals of time, and start to interfere and sabotage our relationships, work, and self-esteem. When this happens, it's important to understand their origins, get in touch with our true feelings, the original experiences, and core beliefs that created our trigger. Learn to acknowledge them, and reparent ourselves, so that we have a choice in the way that we react when we see actions and words from others that cause them.
TRUST: Acting from Source.
By Shea Hampton
I was sure that I would have to write this book for Shea Hampton one day! I was impatient for her to have it completed, because I think the information is too essential not to have it available right now. She now has a record of her techniques available for others. And has done an outstanding job in writing it.
I took Acting from Source for three years in Vancouver, with her and one of her most talented students, Yvonne. It is one of the most profoundly remarkable techniques for learning how to be fully present in the now, channeling creative energies, and allowing them to play you like an instrument. I call it the "Shirley Maclean acting method..." One learns to trust oneself, others and most of all, the universe, by letting go of defensive reactions and opening up to the joy, the abundance and the creativity of Source.