Calgary, AB Canada
Phone: +1-587-773-4499
© 2016 All rights reserved.

Michael Jorgensen, Enlightened Design

Great design
the visible and the invisible.
To deliver messages that manifest desired outcomes in the world,
a director must be lead by his or her Soul, be open to learn from the wisdom of many,
observe the impact and affect of the work, and develop
In this way, design may maximize its ability to use media to improve humanity,
while minimizing its detrimental impacts.
Enlightened design
extends beyond this moment in time-and-space...
it impacts all of eternity.
design is, by nature,
I have been called, prepared and made ready
to use my talents and skills to ensure
that billions of hearts are transformed with
Design involves a master organizing set of principles,
that structure creative and content, impacting our senses, attitudes and behaviours.
Design and media reveal their agendas through their form and function, and
alter worlds they
that creating
strategic, compelling, and unforgettable
which transform the earth and her inhabitants,
requires a talented artist/director. One with a far-seeing vision,
and whose concepts capture the imaginations and desires of many communities.
His or her campaigns influence the development of minds,
altering individual and collective realities,
to unleash humanity's full
Jorgensen believes:
The impact of design and media
extends far beyond the manipulation of surfaces.
It transforms and structures
beliefs, societies, social interactions, cultures,
art, philosophy, science, religion, language, cognitive processes,
and the body itself.
Thereby unleashing humanity's most fabulous potential,
like never before.
Let me introduce myself.
I am
Michael Jorgensen.