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Michael Jorgensen, Enlightened Design

Selected Writings
Caroline Myss: Sacred Contracts
Common Ground, August 2003 • Vancouver, BC
"Finally, Myss is notorious for her ruthlessness with people. When she sees into the fears that stop a person from empowerment, Myss delivers her insight with force. In Sacred Contracts, she explains, “in those moments I am looking through the personality and into the heart of their passion to transform the ordinariness of their lives into the extraordinary – meaning their greater potential in this lifetime.” The queen is the archetype that corresponds to her actions here – Myss says she, “symbolically decapitates people who are yearning for liberation from their fears.”
A Talented Touch
Mindful Living Solutions
What makes a touch special? It not only communicates the experience, intent and knowledge of the bodyworker, it also conveys a quality of his or her Soul - all without words.
Who is the real star of HGTV's Restaurant Makeover?
Is it the designers, the chefs, the owners, the décor, or the food? If you guessed any of the aforementioned, you're missing the true entertainment and appeal of the show. It's the underdog.

Antony Chauvais: Unleash your potential
Antony's Tibetan mantra training, uses the healing power of subvocal vibration
Sound therapy is a very ancient method of healing. Tibetan monks have used a method of “overtone chanting” for thousands of years for treating illness. The theory is that since everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration, including the human body, even the smallest change in frequency can affect the internal organs.
How To Quit
Proud to Quit Smoking Campaign, Vancouver, BC, April 2005
When it comes to butting out, you don’t have to go it alone. There are quit-aids available to suit every personality and preference – from alternative therapies to medical interventions. Which one suits your style?