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Any Frenchman can make love with sex.

A few can express love with words.
Most rare is one who can radiate love with sub-vocal


Antony Chauvet has vocalized millions of mantras over the last ten years, since he first started studying with a Tibetan meditation Guru.


As a practitioner of meditation, healing and bodywork, Antony is unique in his training, discipline, and approach. Born in France, he moved to Canada five years ago after working in Japan, and is committed to the Tibetan-Tantric spiritual path. His international experience and exceptionally inquisitive mind bring a unique perspective on bodywork and teaching meditation, and how these are healing.


Mantra means advice or suggestion. Each word in a mantra has a sound pattern full of potent meaning. Reciting a mantra is one of the oldest forms of meditation. In the beginning, voiced mantras capture one's concentration. Later, after millions of repetitions, the more subtle subvocal (or non-audible) thought-waves move to the practitioner's awareness. The sound waves emanating from thought, impact the mind, the environment, and bodies.


Yogis believe mantras have the power to break bad habits, achieve emotional balance, provide focus, cleanse the mind, and even heal a broken heart.


The sounds which make up mantras create primal sound vibrations, that move outward into the surrounding environment, and impact it.

Mantras first heal the practitioner, and as sensitivity increases, he or she can use mantras to have a healing impact upon others.

When working with sound, intention is even more important than the actual sound being projected. By projecting sound and conscious intent, sound healers can help restore resonance in the body and energetic fields.


Sound, whether or not it is audible, is a carrier of consciousness. Depending upon where an individual’s awareness is placed when he creates a certain sound, the sound will carry information on that state to the person receiving it.


Sound therapy is a very ancient method of healing. Tibetan monks have used a method of “overtone chanting” for thousands of years for treating illness. The theory is that since everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration, including the human body, even the smallest change in frequency can affect the internal organs. Modern sound therapists consider there is a natural resonance or “note” that is “right” for each part of the human body, and for each individual, so by directing specific sound waves to specific areas they can affect the frequency at which that part is vibrating and thereby restore it to balance and health.


Antony is skilled at counselling psychology, and has an intuitive understanding of the physical and emotional challenges of others. Approaching every aspect of his life with awareness, compassion and love, his ultimate goal is transcendence, in this lifetime.


In close relationship with a few executives, Antony is looking to work one-on-one, with those want to learn how to meditate with a private coach. And claim meditation's optimizing impact upon the mind, body and spirit. In return, the client sponsors Antony's journey into Buddha-enlightenment.


Antony invites you to contact him, to discuss your needs, and how he can help you to achieve your goals.


Experience for yourself, how Antony's presence radiates a loving, compassionate and

healing vibration.

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