Calgary, AB Canada
Phone: +1-587-773-4499
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Michael Jorgensen, Enlightened Design

I envision a long career at Mindvalley. I have the skills for many positions, and wish to develop more of them and perfect them, as I continue to grow and evolve. These are my top picks for positions that I would like to apply for:
1) Learning Experience Designer, Content Creation Specialist
2) Junior Editor / Videographer
These are positions that are not currently available, but I would like the opportunity to create and fill:
1) Producer of Transformational, Educational Series for Mindvalley Internet Television.
2) Creative Director who brands Mindvalley, while strategically employing the power of media to counteract the media-based war waged by fear-based news. I would incite love through advertising media, counteracting the media's incitement to violence.
3) Writer/Speaker, represented by Mindvalley.
My Vision - a Background
When I was in my early 20s, during a period of intense, spiritual awakening, and attending university as a fine art student,
I had a vision that one day I would be called, along with fellow light workers, to change the course of humanity, steering it away from an apocalyptic outcome, to an enlightened one. My soul's purpose was to develop my creative skills so that I could employ all forms of media to educate, inform, inspire, and transform global attitudes and opinions. I fantasized about being able to develop a global campaign that strategically uses media to enlighten the consciousness of humanity.
At 14 years of age, I found the book,
Career evolution
Experience Designer
Creative Director